Marine Surveying



We offer Marine Surveying services to buyers, sellers, Vessel Brokers, and marine insurance companies interested in determining a vessels condition or value


We have the following Surveying services:


1. Condition and valuation survey:  To assess the general overall condition and market value of a vessel. Not as thorough as a pre-purchase survey. We do these surveys on both power and sail boats. (Sometimes called an Appraisal Survey) We will survey fiberglass, wood , and aluminum vessels.


2. Pre-Purchase Survey: This type of survey is a detailed inspection of every item of the vessel and on the vessel. This type of survey should find everything possibly wrong with the vessel to allow the current owner or buyer to assess what work may need to be done to put a vessel back into good condition This is far more detailed than an Appraisal or Insurance survey. The type of vessels we do this type of survey on is limited to power vessels only. We do not normally do sailing vessels. We will survey fiberglass, wood and aluminum vessels.


3. Insurance Survey: This is for insurance companies who want to know the value of a vessel for insurance purposes. We will survey sailboats up to 27 feet in length and all power boats. We sill survey fiberglass, wood, and aluminum vessels.


4. Electrical/Electronic System Surveys: We also will do electrical system surveys for boatowners/ buyers if requested as well as for other surveyors who may be uncomfortable with electrical systems in larger vessels. We are knowledgeable in electrical, electronic, and computer based systems.